Top 24 Coolest Places to Visit in India | India Travel Guide

What’s up my adventurous explorers? As you might already know, I’ve already been to India three times, which means that I’ve spent more than four months traveling all around the country non-stop. And throughout all those trips, I pretty much went to different locations every time. So I feel like I got to see quite a bit of India. 

Obviously not everything, because it’s such a large country. But I’ve seen, you know, hundreds of different places. And today is the day I will share my top 24 coolest places to visit in that gorgeous country. 

And I really hope this list will be very very useful to whether you are, you know, a local traveler from India or absolutely any country in the world. Let’s go! Super cool place to visit in India number 24 is one of the largest spices market in the whole world and by far the largest in Asia that is called Karibawli. Karibawli is a very very large spices market situated in central old Delhi that was built in 17th century and throughout this time has grown to Asia’s largest spices market. 

There’s so many people buying and selling things. There’s obviously quite a lot of tourists as well. The center of the market is this really interesting squared building where apparently you can go all the way to the very top to the rooftop and see the market from above. 

There’s also hundreds of monkeys running around there. It’s a very very interesting place. Certainly be ready for a lot of different smells to come your way. 

It’s actually pretty unique, though very interesting experience. Karibawli is located in the city center of the old Delhi so very easily reachable from absolutely any place in Delhi whether with a taxi, tuk-tuk, you know, they even have metros there or absolutely any other mode of transportation. It’s very easy to get there and that’s why of course it’s one of the most touristy places on this list but I guess certainly worth a couple of hours of your time because it’s just such a such a local beautiful Indian experience. 

Cool place to visit in India Number 23 is the Sassoon docks in Mumbai. The Sassoon docks is one of the oldest and largest docks in all of Mumbai that comes alive every morning with thousands of people buying and selling all kinds of fish and seafood. Apparently the docks were created by the British hundreds of years ago and even though right now it’s not necessarily a very big dock but it really does come alive at 6 or 5 a.m every single morning basically for the sunrise because so many people go fishing throughout the night and then whatever they catch they bring to these docks early in the morning and then families are selling it so for example the men go fishing and then they literally throw the fish and seafood and everything onto the dock then their wives or children they’re picking that up and selling it directly there. 

My best tip is to be very considerate of the local people there because there’s just so many people there and they’re trying to sell you know the products super fast because you know very very soon everyone’s gonna leave right so if you’re taking a picture of someone please be considerate that some people will want to pass by because it’s their job right like that’s how they feed their families that’s what they support their family so please do not obstruct their work be you know be be very chill and very very humble right and just enjoy the ride. The Sassoon docks are situated in southern Mumbai so if you if you happen to to be in Mumbai it’s very easily reachable by a lot of different transport options once again taxis your own motorbike car buses I’m sure you maybe can even find some trains and stuff because it’s a relatively touristy area there so you know if you just get into a taxi just tell them you want to go to the Sassoon dock you’ll be there in no time. Epic place to visit in India number 22 are the colonial churches of Goa. 

You see even though Goa’s history dates back to a very long time ago in the early 16th century the Portuguese defeated the ruling Bijapur Sultan and set up a permanent settlement in Goa. This was the beginning of foreign rule that lasted for four and a half centuries until its annexation in 1961 but still to this day you can see loads of Portuguese colonial buildings the most important of which are the grand churches everywhere you go. The churches apparently really do take you back in time they almost feel like a like a very cool time machine experience to be completely honest with you because it really does feel like you’re in Europe either Portugal or Spain or you know something like this they they have the Jesus statues there and stuff it’s a it’s a very weird experience I guess certainly nothing that I expected to find in Indian way like I’ve never heard about this part of you know Goa’s history and it just literally blew me away even though we can find I think hundreds or at least dozens of churches everywhere you go in Goa the coolest of them will be located in this tiny town called Vela Goa which is where the colonial Portuguese set up their base basically and that’s why you know they built all these structures in there and that’s why they look so grand so certainly make your way there it’s not too far from from Goa’s airport in Vasco da Gama and of course everyone knows that place so once again if you hire a taxi or you have your own transportation it’s very easy to get there the roads are really really good and other than that there should certainly be a lot of tourist buses going there or other other kinds of transportation as well because of course it’s a pretty touristy place cool place to visit in India number 21 and I’m sure a lot of you legends might not have expected it because you know maybe a lot of people would put it at their top three or so the Taj Mahal as you know of course I’m not the biggest fan of super touristy places and even though you know the Taj Mahal obviously is one of the most beautiful places in the world and has amazing history and this and that but I mean when it comes to the places that I enjoy visiting there has to be a bit more nature involved and a bit less people but to be completely honest I mean 21st place out of all of India that’s that’s still pretty good eh? The Taj Mahal was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Montaz in the early 17th century. 

For its construction, masons, stone cutters, inlayers, carvers, painters, calligraphers, dome builders and other artisans were requisitioned from the whole empire and also from central Asia and Iran. The Taj Mahal is considered to be the greatest architectural achievement in the whole range of Indo-Islamic architecture and because of that it’s one of the most widely visited monuments in the whole world with as many as 10 million people visiting it every single year. My best tip is to go to the Taj Mahal very early in the morning obviously as early as you can though at the same time do not expect it to be empty. 

When I went there during the last time in India when my filmmaker and I did that really long motorbike trip and link is in the description box down below if you haven’t seen it yet. Either way we woke up at I think 4 or 4 30 and we went there at around 5 or 5 30 because I think they open it up at 6 and we thought wow well surely there’s not gonna be a lot of people because it was Monday morning we thought everyone went to sleep and all that stuff. We go there there’s literally hundreds maybe even thousands of people I have no idea like all these tourist buses and stuff it was insane like we had to queue in line of course and then when we went in everyone was like running to take the first picture of the Taj Mahal and stuff but when we went in there were already so many people it was literally a crowd like in some sort of a supermarket I guess once again it’s a very very beautiful site so so certainly go check it out and go as early as you can but once again do not expect to be completely empty because um it’s not going to be completely empty the Taj Mahal is located in a very very very famous city of India that is called Agra it’s very very close to New Delhi once again from New Delhi to Agra there’s so many transportation options you can easily do a day trip if you want or you can also go to Agra you can sleep there for a couple days and explore the Taj Mahal as much as you like uh there’s obviously a lot of buses trains you know taxis whatever your own transportation is easy because the highways from Delhi to Agra are perfect I mean you can even find Starbucks is in McDonald’s on the way which literally never happens in India you know so so there’s a lot of restaurants and and gas stations and everything it’s it’s very very well developed compared to a lot of other places so um so it’s certainly not going to be a problem. 

Number 20, Kabodh and Rama Fort. As you know a lot of the colonialists from Europe who would you know visit Asia they would obviously build up their own forts which were very very useful um for them to either trade or obviously defend their you know positions so so they would obviously be using it for for a lot of different purposes and because Goa had such a long colonialist history they have quite a few different uh really beautiful forts my favorite I guess is this fort called Kabodh Rama Fort that was built hundreds of years ago and now it’s basically been quite abandoned because it’s kind of difficult to reach so I guess not that many people go there and of course they’re not making maybe enough money to really preserve it but honestly that’s why it’s so good it has an incredibly beautiful place it’s situated literally on top of a cliff so you can see amazing amazing sea views and there’s like palm trees all around you and there’s this really beautiful wall that’s kind of abandoned it’s almost sort of uh you know there’s like holes in the wall and everything but it gives you this really really interesting very unique very remote very very cool feeling and those are the kind of places I really like visiting of course as I mentioned before Kabodh Rama Fort is a bit remote it is situated around 52 kilometers away from Vasco da Gama which is where you’ll have an airport you’ll have a railway station and maybe a lot of buses will actually come there so obviously the best way to get to the fort is to have your own transportation which is what we did with our motorbikes or obviously if you have a it still works as well uh that being said I really do think there should be many many taxis also taking tourists to this fort because it’s a very beautiful place and as you know the taxis in India are not necessarily the most expensive taxis in the world so I’m sure you can afford it especially if you’re traveling with some friends and stuff so yes um it will take a while to get there but I promise you it’s gonna be worth it. Really cool place to visit in India number 19 is a very famous UNESCO World Heritage Site the Caves of Ajanta. 

The Ajanta Caves are 30 rocket Buddhist cave monuments which date from the 2nd century BC. The caves include paintings and rocket sculptures described as among the finest surviving examples of ancient Indian art particularly expressive paintings that present emotion through gesture pose and form. According to UNESCO these are masterpieces of Buddhist religious art that influence the Indian art that followed. 

As most really awesome places to visit Ajanta does not have the best location it’s a little remote so a lot of people go to Ajanta from Mumbai but even that is 420 kilometers which you know in India with their roads it’s it takes a while to reach for example if you have a car or a motorbike and you and you drive absolutely non-stop you don’t even stop for gas or food or you know to go to the restroom it’s gonna take you nine hours to reach it’s obviously you know if you wanna if you don’t want to rush too much and you know you want to stop every once in a while it’s gonna take you literally the whole day or actually maybe even two days to reach that place the place is a little touristy because a lot of tourist buses come there but once again I think it’s definitely worth the visit. Epic place to visit in India number 18 is a place that apparently does not feel like India at all. It’s the second largest Tibetan settlement outside Tibet that is called Bilakupai. 

You see in 1960 the government of the Indian state of Karnataka allotted nearly 3,000 acres of land at Bilakupai and the first ever Tibetan settlement in India came into existence in 1961. These days it’s become a very popular tourist attraction mostly because it’s a place in India that doesn’t really feel like India at all and their temples are out of this world stunning. Bilakupai has quite a few different really interesting touristy sites like for example the golden temple and a few places around it and those areas are obviously very very touristy there’s so many people taking selfies and once again tourist buses come there there’s you know quite a bit of action obviously the locals are making money from it so I guess it’s good but visiting it maybe wasn’t the best thing however the next day we actually hopped on our motorbikes and we decided to explore literally the whole town which is actually quite quite tiny so you know you can you can definitely explore all of it in a day or just a couple of hours and we went to these like remote monasteries where only the locals live and then we started talking with with some local people who are for example running restaurants and stuff eventually made friends with this guy called Wang Lee who was a super cool guy he even allowed us into his kitchen where he was you know making traditional Tibetan dishes and apparently apparently uh Karnataka is one of the very few states in India where you where people are allowed to eat beef as you might know in India you know cows are considered to be sacred so if you eat beef that’s I mean in most places you can actually end up you know in jail and stuff so we saw him preparing different dishes with that and it literally blew our minds and stuff um but it was obviously once again a very interesting cultural experience. 

Hilacupi is located in once again Karnataka which is a state in in southern India the closest big city nearby is this place called Nisar which is actually quite quite a touristy place because they have some really beautiful palaces there so if you happen to find yourself there Hilacupi is only 65 kilometers away or 60 kilometers away something like this so you can I think you can easily find someone to take you there whether a taxi driver or some sort of a tourist minivan or tourist bus or something like this if you have your own transportation obviously you can easily do it in a day whether from Nisar or maybe Bangalore which is a bit further away but uh but yeah it’s I think it’s certainly worth a visit because it’s a very very unique place in India but doesn’t feel like India. What? Amazing place to visit in India number 17 is Jaisalmer fort. The Jaisalmer fort is located in the ancient desert town of Jaisalmer that’s a very popular UNESCO world heritage site also known as the golden city of India. 

The town lies in the heart of the Thar desert which makes the climate incredibly hot and quite different from most other areas of north India. Its crown jewel is of course the Jaisalmer fort which is one of the very few living forts in the world as nearly one fourth of the old city’s population still resides within the fort. The fort is located in inside the city literally inside the city so if you get to Jaisalmer you can simply walk to it it’s it’s like a five minute walk for most places right the highways going there are pretty good because it’s you know relative touristy location so I think they have trains they have buses you know all that stuff but if you want to take your own transportation or even a bus it’s it’s a pretty long ride I think from Delhi it’s around 600 kilometers or something like this so of course you can go there but it’s gonna take a while. 

Cool place to visit in India number 16 is a place I’m sure you might not have expected was in India and that is the world’s tallest statue by far the world’s tallest statue that is called the statue of unity. The statue of unity is a colossal statue of Indian statesman and independence activist Sardar Villabhal Patel who is the first home minister of independent India and highly respected for his leadership in uniting the 562 princely states of India without any armed conflict. The statue was first announced in 2010 and built a few years later for a staggering amount of 420 million US dollars. 

Apparently the statue stands at 182 meters above the ground which makes it by far the tallest statue in the world. My best tip is to find a way to see the statue from a distance because god it just looks so incredible for example we were taking our motorbikes up to the statue too we we could see it from kilometers away you know what I mean it just looks so big bigger than the mountains that are surrounding it also not too far from the statue itself there are some gardens that you can go to so you can have a picnic there and you know there’s some beautiful flowers and this and that but the most important part is of course the fact that you can see the statue from there as well and it looks so massive so grand once again surrounded by mountains that are actually smaller than the statue itself amazing. The statue of unity is kind of easy to reach I guess because it’s not too far from the capital of the state of Gujarat called Ahmedabad it’s only 200 kilometers away and because so many people come visit that place every single year the roads leading up to there are very very good I’m sure there’s a lot of transportation options from Ahmedabad or maybe some some other big cities of India but if you have your own cart or a motorbike it’s gonna be just so easy there’s signs everywhere and you know obviously people are really proud about the place so very easy to reach just gonna take a bit of a time because it’s 200 kilometers away uh no no I’m just making a video um okay so the current situation is that I’ve just been kicked out of my first location because apparently I’m uh visiting my sister here in California some sort of a guy came was like oh you’re not supposed to be talking here blah blah blah you need to move out I’m like okay chill bro it’s fine so now I’m left with everything that I’ve got my backpack and my computer as well by the way a super cool new computer that I have from LG either way right now I’m here outside trying to find another location to finish the video I think it’ll be fine let’s try it’s time to get back to the video let’s go so as I mentioned even though the statue of unity is actually 200 kilometers away from Ahmedabad and the roads are really good and if you have your own transportation or you want to use any of the you know public transport it’s gonna take a while but it’s certainly gonna be worth it and it won’t be too hard super cool place to visit in India number 15 is the Agonda beach. 

Agonda beach is not really very special in any way I guess but the really cool thing about it is that it’s not really that well developed as some other beaches in the state and as such it has this very remote very very unique very beautiful and very chill vibe that I loved to the moon and back of course they still have some restaurants and hotels and you know guest houses and everything there but there’s not that many people that come there there’s no you know super loud parties and stuff so when I was there I felt so laid back and so relaxed it was so beautiful I spent I think two or three days living there and I completely disconnected because for example my phone didn’t have any connection stuff and it was very hard to find the wi-fi there so I just had so much fun you know reading books taking very long walks and admiring the beautiful sunsets and sunrises there on the beach and obviously going for a swim the reason Agonda beach is not really that popular among tourists is because it’s not that easy to reach I mean it’s it’s not hard but it’s it’s it’s it takes a bit of a bit of a while you know so from Vasco da Gama once again the you know the airport of Goa and and the train station everything it’s around 65 kilometers away I think so you can easily find transportation options or go there with your own transport but you know 60 few kilometers on those roads is not the easiest task but I’m sure you can do it amazing place to visit in India number 14 is the fort of Mehrangarh the Mehrangarh fort was built in the 15th century and stands right above the city of Jodhpur the fort is so big that inside its boundaries are several palaces known for their intricate carvings and expansive courtyards also it turns out that the fort’s museum is apparently one of the most well-stocked museums in the state of Rajasthan featuring palanquins costumes weapons and lots of art as you might have guessed I’m not the biggest fan of visiting very touristic places and obviously quite often museums are maybe a little bit boring but this one honestly I really enjoyed to the moon and back because it was big but there were a lot of different rooms with a lot of different expositions all the expositions were really beautiful they had some interesting information about that item or that era or you know that thing whatever so you could just walk around see these really beautiful things that the royalty were using you know what hundreds of years ago and obviously learn a lot more about the history of that place which was really really cool and was also very well organized very clean very beautiful so I certainly enjoyed this place and even if it’s maybe a little touristy Mehrangarh fort is located literally inside the city of Jodhpur which is called the blue city of of India once again one of the most touristy places in India because it’s not far from Delhi and not far from Jaipur another very famous city just a few hundred kilometers away so getting there is once again very easy I’m sure there’s trains buses you know obviously good good roads if you have your own transportation it’s just that once again in India you know it takes a while to get anywhere because there’s quite a bit of traffic and cows and all that stuff but if you have the time and you like these kind of places it’ll be worth it. Cool place to visit in India number 13 is also the first step well on this list and that is the Adilaj step well. The Adilaj step well is certainly one of the most beautiful step wells in the state of Gujarat and also a place of a great legend which says that in the 15th century the area was ruled by a Hindu ruler it was subject to water shortage and was highly dependent on the rains to alleviate the misery of his people the Hindu ruler began the construction of a large and deep step well. 

Before this project could be completed though his kingdom was attacked by a neighboring Muslim ruler and the king was killed in battle. His widow wanted to commit a suicide and join her husband in the afterlife however the new ruler prevented her from giving up her own life and proposed marriage. She agreed to a marriage proposal on the condition that he would first complete the building of the step well. 

When the well was completed in record time the queen decided to end her life and jumped into the well ending the saga in romantic tragedy. If you happen to find yourself in Ahmedabad, the biggest city in Gujarat, it’s very easy to get there because the the step well itself is actually in the outskirts of the city so if you are in the city I’m sure there’s going to be loads of transportation options. Once again when we went there with our bikes it’s just I don’t know like 10-15 kilometers away from the city center so it’s almost inside the city maybe in the outskirts very easy to reach and certainly a place worth visiting. 

Amazing place to visit number 12 is one of my favorite towns in all of India hands down I mean I’ve been to so many towns and cities and stuff and this place will always always always be in my heart because I had the most wonderful time there and that town is called Orchha. Orchha was established in the early 16th century as the seat of one of the many princely states of central India of those times and was so rich that it even built a palace for the Mughal emperor who came to visit the town for just one night. Over the years several generations of kings and queens lived in this town with vast armies of officials, servants, horses and elephants. 

These days the incredible complexes built by the royalty of those times have been mostly abandoned and only visited by tourists but one can certainly imagine the grandeur in which those people lived just a few hundred years ago. Wow! Orchha’s location is a bit hard to reach maybe for example the closest big city to it is Agra which is obviously a place a lot of people visit but even that is 260 kilometers away and 260 kilometers in India especially in that part of the country is not what you might expect I mean it’s probably going to take you five or six or more hours to actually get there depending on your speed and obviously if you if you keep stopping it’s going to take 10 or 12 or more right so once again it’s a very beautiful place to visit not that easy to reach but that’s also a huge upside for you my adventurous explorer because it’s not going to be as touristy as it would be otherwise so there’s upsides and downsides. Gorgeous place to visit in India number 11 is the Butterfly Beach in Goa. 

The Butterfly Beach is a very tiny beach actually not too far from from the beach of that I already talked about in this video but it’s so beautiful it literally blew my mind once again if you’ve seen my videos in the past you’ll know that I’m the kind of guy who hates the beach and loves the mountains but this beach was amazing because once again it’s kind of difficult to reach you cannot go there with a car only a motorbike or walk but walking is going to take you a long time and that’s why not that many people come there I guess but it’s so remote so peaceful so nice there’s like rocks around it where you can chill there’s obviously quite a bit of sand where you can also you know relax and stuff the water itself is yeah it’s like the perfect temperature and everything and we took some some some beautiful drone shots of the place and just looked so amazing literally surrounded by the jungle and stuff it’s it’s a very very nice place. The Butterfly Beach is located not too far from from Agonda beach actually just a few kilometers away and I think 60 kilometers away from Basco da Gama you know the Goa international airport but the thing is that it’s really remote like when we were going there there were no signs and stuff and for example the road has a lot of really crazy holes so you can easily sort of you know crash on your side or whatever so it’s a it’s a very interesting ride and stuff as said you cannot really take a car there you either walk or take a motorbike but even with a motorbike you’ll still have to park it like I don’t know 10 minutes walk away from the beach itself so it takes a while to reach but once again good things don’t necessarily come easy especially when it comes to traveling so certainly go there. Place number 10 is the highest ranking step well on this video and that is the Rani Kebab step well. 

The Rani Kebab step well was built a thousand years ago by a widowed queen and is a well-known UNESCO world heritage site that attracts thousands of tourists from around the world. In the past the step well was completely flooded by a nearby river but it still retained over 500 intricate statues and is so well preserved that it’s even been named the cleanest iconic place in India. The Rani Kebab step well is located not too far from the capital of Gujarat Ahmedabad but it’s still 130 kilometers away so I think you’ll most likely need your own transportation or you’ll have to go with with some sort of a tourist group. 

I’m sure in Ahmedabad you can you can certainly find a lot of transportation options because Rani Kebab is incredibly incredibly famous in the area and there’s so many people visiting it every single year. Super cool place to visit in India number nine is a place that in a way feels like home to me because I spent quite a bit of time living there and and you know exploring the whole area and that is the largest slum in Asia called Dharavi. Dharavi has an area of just over 2.1 square kilometers and a population of about 700,000 people making it one of the most densely populated areas in the world. 

The Dharavi slum was founded in 1883 during the British colonial era and grew in part because of an expulsion of factories and residents from the peninsular city center by the colonial government and from the migration of poor rural Indians into urban Mumbai. For this reason Dharavi is currently a highly multi-religious, multi-ethnic and diverse settlement. Dharavi has an active and formal economy in which numerous household enterprises employ many of the slum residents.

Leather, textiles and pottery products are among the goods made inside Dharavi. The total annual turnover is estimated to be at over 1 billion US dollars per year. A year ago I published a video about how I spent five days living in the slums of Mumbai and obviously throughout that experience I got to learn so much and I got to see so much and stuff and if you want to visit those areas yourself my best tip is to find a person who will show you around. 

That’s so incredibly important. It’s gonna basically make or break your trip. Dharavi is located literally in the city center of Mumbai. 

Basically that’s why the land is so incredibly expensive. So going there is very easy. You can either take a train or a taxi. 

Literally every single person in Mumbai knows where Dharavi is. So just figure out where exactly you want to get to in Dharavi and go. Amazing place to visit in India number eight is one of the coolest hill stations in the country called Mahabaleshwar. 

Mahabaleshwar is a really beautiful area in the state of Maharashtra that’s also home to one of the very few evergreen forests of India and even a canyon. They also have some very beautiful remote viewpoints, gorgeous farms and of course absolutely amazing roads. My best tip when visiting Mahabaleshwar is to go to the Elephant Canyon. 

That was my favorite canyon and it’s called the Elephant Canyon because they have this rock formation that looks exactly like an elephant. Either way if you go there for sunset the place is kind of big so you can find a pretty distant place from which you can actually see the whole canyon and you can simply watch the sun go down. Obviously hill stations are relatively hard to reach because of course they’re in the mountains, right? So you can kind of easily reach this place from Mumbai but it’s still 220 kilometers away and you know keep in mind the fact that when you finally hit the mountains, when you hit the hills, it’s going to be very very windy. 

So it takes quite a bit of time to reach but once again if you go there even for a weekend for two or three days I think it’s certainly going to be worth it. A few hours of you know driving one way is certainly good enough for the amazing views you’re going to see there. Epic place to visit in India number seven is probably one of the most beautiful viewpoints we’ve seen throughout the 8000 kilometer motorbike trip and that is Mandalpati. 

Mandalpati is this pretty remote place. It’s actually not too far from Billakupai, the Tibetan settlement but it’s high up in the mountains and getting there is very very hard. So you kind of take a car there because you need to cross some tiny rivers and the roads are just absolutely terrible. 

You can either take a proper motorbike or a jeep but once again because of that not that many people come there because it takes many hours to like drive up those mountains and if you want to go there for sunrise which is what we did you need to wake up at like 4 a.m and then it’s very cold you know so it’s it’s kind of hard to get to but

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